🎉 Good news keeps coming, and now we are pleased to announce that the Android version is READY!
Wish you will have interesting experiences with Moniwar on your phone.
🛎 APK link: https://cdn-static.moniwar.io/client/moniwar.apk
🛎 APK installing instructions: https://docs.moniwar.io/q-a/download-app
👉 Go roaming, go Moniwar!
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🌏Website | 🔥Telegram Channel Global
⭐️Telegram Group Global | ⭐️Medium | 🛎Youtube
☀️Instagram | ✨Facebook | ☀️Twitter | 💌Discord
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📌 For new players, please follow these steps to own a Pet:
▶️ Check our white paper: https://bit.ly/31RR7mj
▶️ Create a Metamask wallet, register an account, add MOWA to your wallet: https://docs.moniwar.io/q-a/register-an-account
▶️ Buy Pet on our marketplace: https://dapp.moniwar.io/dashboard