Along with the launch of the PVP feature, we will be holding a new event to encourage the Demon Kings to compete.
⚔️ Format: players participate in the 1 vs 1 PVP feature and receive rewards based on the total number of winning matches.
✨ Time: 6/12 ~ 11/12 (same time as PVP feature)
✨ Award: 13/12 ~ 18/12 (reward will be deleted if overdue)
💥 Rewards:
Win 30 matches: randomly get 50–150 tokens
Win 25 matches: randomly get 40–120 tokens
Win 20 matches: randomly get 30–90 tokens
Win 10 matches: randomly get 20–60 tokens
Win 5 matches: randomly get 10–30 tokens
👉 Get rewards at:
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⭐️Telegram Group Global | ⭐️Medium | 🛎Youtube
☀️Instagram | ✨Facebook | ☀️Twitter | 💌Discord
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