You must be very excited about NFT Marketplace, right? After hearing opinions from the community and advisors, #Moniwar will have a change in transaction fees on NFT Marketplace. The goal of this is to help gamers and investors to get more convenience and optimization in transactions. For better preparation, Moniwar wil also change the opening time of NFT Marketplace to November 20th, specifically:
⏰ Time: 3PM (UTC) 11/20/2021
💎 Transaction fee: 10% => ??
80% of the transaction fee goes to Play to earn reward
10% to create liquidity
10% reinvest in project development
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I guess that you all are very curious about the new transaction fees, right? We will also organize a NEW TRANSACTION FEE PREDICTION minigame, specifically as follows:
👉 Method: participates in predicting new transaction fee for a chance to receive reward.
👉 Link to attend:
⏰ Time: 3PM UTC 11/18/2021 to 3PM UTC 11/19/2021.
🎁 Prize: A total prize of 150$ for 5 lucky people who correctly answer the new transaction fee results (randomly selected among the participants).
Once again, thank you very much for all your comments, and sorry if this change causes any inconvenience!
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